How We Do It

We apply a unique mix of skill sets, IP, and technologies to guide our clients to a position of net zero with improved commercial sustainability over the long term.

Our client relationships will always be based on respect, listening, and learning from each other.
This way we become a genuine team, empowered to make a difference.

We have the courage and commitment to continually invest in creative and strategic thought leadership to deliver better solutions to the big problems.
2xe Statergy Discussion

Strategy Services

Net Zero Strategy
TCFD Disclosures & Continual Improvement
ESG Materiality & Strategy
Sustainability Benchmarking

Net Zero Strategy


How do I build an effective roadmap for my organisation to get to net zero?


2XE can develop your net zero strategy using our proprietary methodology, called 5P™

We combine this methodology with best-in-class carbon analytics, engineering, strategic planning and stakeholder engagement to develop your net zero strategy that is both practical and aligned to global best-practice standards and science-based targets.
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TCFD Disclosures & Continual Improvement


How can I respond to the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures in a practical, repeatable way?


2XE has a process for helping you streamline TCFD reporting requirements. Still, more importantly, we have developed a framework and system for driving continual improvement against the disclosure requirements to ensure that our clients are enhancing their performance with each reporting cycle.
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ESG Materiality & Strategy


How do I assess what aspects of ESG are important for our organisation to focus-on?


2XE conducts ESG materiality assessments using a strong focus on analytics to ensure that all external and internal stakeholders are engaged to provide an objective indication of materiality for a broad range of ESG topics. 

The result of this assessment can feed into broader ESG strategy development, where we can provide further strategic and technical expertise. 

2XE represents the ‘E’ in ESG; we have an extended partner network of leading experts that operate in the ‘S’ and the ‘G’ space.
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Sustainability Benchmarking

2XE and its extended network of partners can assist you with meeting your sustainability benchmarking needs. 

Whether it's meeting GRI 2021 requirements or responding to more sector-specific reporting standards such as GRESB, 2XE partners with the best in the business to provide its clients with a bespoke reporting service.
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Management Services

Outsourced Net Zero Program Management
NET Zero Management System
Measurement & Monitoring
Renewable Energy Procurement

Outsourced Net Zero Program Management


How can I implement my net zero strategy and maintain momentum?


2XE provides program management services to help implement emissions reduction initiatives to track progress and build internal capability and self-sufficiency in the organisation (and hence less reliant on us) over time. The service package can be tailored to suit your needs.

Typically, you can include one or more of the following:

  • Managing the roll-out of emissions-reduction projects
  • On-demand technical, management and procurement consulting support
  • Tracking emissions data and project performance
  • Facilitation of internal stakeholder engagements/workshops/committee meetings
  • Management of overall net zero program timelines and resourcing
  • Quarterly reporting to executive leadership and board
  • Review and engagement with prospective suppliers
  • Tender/grant support
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NET Zero Management System

2XE has developed and manages its own proprietary software to assist with managing net zero programs, projects and data for our clients. 

Our Net Zero Management System is actively being used by a range of clients as part of our ongoing partnership with them.
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Measurement & Monitoring

Our engineering team love data! We are a Certified Measurement & Verification Professional (CMVP), and are constantly engaged by our clients to assist with the measurement and monitoring of energy data and project impacts, including the specification and installation of energy metering and data management platforms, in order to provide access to better data for improved analysis and decision-making.
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Renewable Energy Procurement

2XE leverages significant technical and commercial expertise in the development and implementation of renewable energy procurement strategies, such as a power purchase agreement or direct purchase of LGCs. We assist our clients through the entire procurement process – from initial market sounding, to tender management, negotiation and finalisation. We can also be on-hand to assist our clients with management of active renewable energy contracts.
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Technical Services

Engineering Studies & Energy Audits
Energy Management Plans
ISO50001 Energy Management System design and implementation
Climate Active Certification

Engineering Studies & Energy Audits

2XE's engineers have substantial engineering experience and expertise in energy efficiency, solar PV, electrical infrastructure, electrification, electric vehicles, battery storage, heat pumps, renewable heat, waste-to-energy, process engineering and hydrogen. 

Our engineering team has a range of certifications, including being Certified Energy Managers (AEEE) and multiple design certifications under the Clean Energy Council. 

We can undertake energy audits for you (Type 1, 2 and 3 to the AS/NZS 3598:2014 Energy Audit Standard), waste and water assessments, and detailed engineering feasibility studies across various problem areas and opportunities.
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Energy Management Plans


How do I reduce my company’s long-term exposure to volatile energy prices?


2XE can develop a detailed energy management plan for your organisation, that assesses and prioritises demand-side and supply-side measures to reduce energy costs for your organisation. 

Our process is aligned with the ISO50001 Energy Management System standard.
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ISO50001 Energy Management System design and implementation

2XE has substantial experience in the design and implementation of Energy Management Systems aligned to the ISO 50001 standard. 

We are certified Energy Management Systems Advisors through the Energy Efficiency Council, and our CEO is one of the only handful of consultants in Australia certified as an Advanced Advisor.
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Climate Active Certification

Interested in becoming certified Carbon Neutral? Our team are Climate Active Registered Consultants for organisations, precincts, products and services, and can assist you with the entire application life cycle.
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Let us help you reach Net Zero

Contact Us

2XE acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work. 
We recognise Indigenous peoples’ continuing connection to land, place, waters and community. We pay our respects to their cultures, country and elders past and present.


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