Our Commitment to Sustainability

2XE’s environmental performance and commitment to sustainability plays a strategic function within our business. 

For us, it is more than simply ‘walking the talk’ or creating a point of difference – it’s the source of our innovation and enhances our ability to deliver high-quality outcomes to our clients across food, wine, manufacturing, buildings, infrastructure, and other industry sectors we deal with.
2xe’s Environmental Performance Discussion

We are certified Carbon Neutral

2XE is a certified Carbon Neutral organisation under the Federal Government’s Climate Active Program. We are currently in the process of setting our own net zero emissions target, which aims to completely eliminate the need for carbon offsets.

Given our client base is located all over regional and metropolitan Australia, our largest environmental impact relates to our Scope 3 GHG emissions, namely our flights and travel.
We are currently undertaking the following initiatives to reduce this impact:
Carbon-offsetting all domestic and international flights
Placing preference on the use and rental of small-cylinder vehicles on all road travel
Placing preference on the use of public transport over taxi/vehicles where possible
Mandating ‘walk to meetings’ for all client meetings within a 2km radius of our office
Exploring cost-effective options for carbon offsetting vehicle travel
At the office-level, 2XE is driving a zero-waste-to-landfill policy through waste segregation, recycling and exploring organics management solutions. We recently moved into our new office and are currently exploring retrofit options to improve energy efficiency (lighting, building envelope, hot water and HVAC options).

Our Environmental Management System

2XE has an established Environmental Policy and Environmental Management System (based on the ISO 140001 standard), through which we measure our environmental impacts associated with the facilities and activities over which 2XE has direct operational control, and also extend consideration to environmental impacts that 2XE may influence in provision of our services to clients.

Our willingness to invest in the future

Our ultimate objective is to assist the transition of Australia to the ‘new economy’ – one that creates zero waste, consumes resources and produces emissions at sustainable rates, and fosters environmentally restorative practices through innovative products, services and business practices.

As such, 2XE encourages all staff to invest some of their working week into R&D and the new business venture department to address emerging market opportunities associated with helping the Australian economy make that transition.

Our own environmental footprint is relatively small, but the footprint of our clients and target industries (collectively) is orders of magnitude more significant – we aim to leverage our business (and in particular, our unique skill set as a problem-solving agency) to create significant improvements in sustainability performance at a large, industry-wide scale through our own R&D and new business ventures.

Let us help you reach Net Zero

Contact Us

2XE acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and work. 
We recognise Indigenous peoples’ continuing connection to land, place, waters and community. We pay our respects to their cultures, country and elders past and present.


0408 896 552          


ABN 24 149 188 125

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What problems we solve